

ISBN: 9781772980189 (32)

Subject: Time: 1483-1546

Retail price:

USD$ 19.90

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RT19 Martin Luther - The Man and His Work

By McGiffert, Arthur Cushman

Luther’s marriage raised a great hue and cry. The union of a renegade monk with an escaped nun, violating as it did their own personal vows, and ecclesiastical and civil law as well, seemed to many to throw a sinister light upon the whole reform movement. Now, they declared, the significance of the Reformation was revealed to all the world, and it was clear what Luther had had in mind from the beginning. Satirical attacks appeared in great numbers. Slanderous tales were spread about him and his bride. Even many of his friends were thrown into consternation, and feared he had dealt a death-blow to the cause.

Historical Fiction for Teens & Adults
